Speed up repetitive tasks with templates in your CRM

Many daily business tasks we do can seem repetitive. Working through a call list, adding the same tasks to multiple contacts, writing emails, even setting appointments – all often share similar components.

You probably also send the same type of email many times during a working day or week. This could be a quote in response to a brief, a marketing email with a brochure attachment following up on an initial enquiry, or even a support reply.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a standard response ready and waiting on hand that you can make small edits to and then move on with your day?

Well, now you can. The templating system in BuddyCRM includes completely customisable templates for emails, calls, tasks, appointments, quotes, SMS, documents, and cases.

Email templates

No more hunting for old correspondence in a separate email client then copying and pasting text. No more frustration at trying to remember what to say to make the compelling case for your product.

From your customer record, select your contact and push the button to email them. Simply choose the pre-filled template you need and with a click of a button your email is populated with the template information. Make your edits, attach documents, and push send.

Emails sent are captured and stored in BuddyCRM too, so you’ll always have a record of your communications in your customer account.

Setting up an email template is easy and you can have multiple versions to simplify all of your common tasks. ie. quote emails, lead response, thank-yous, etc.

Just imagine working through your quotes list on ‘admin day’, creating your quote in BuddyCRM, pushing the email button, selecting the quote template, attaching your quote, and pushing send. Wooosh… and on to another one.

Speeding up your admin life is one of the core benefits of BuddyCRM.

Other templates

BuddyCRM has many other templates available for all those common administrative tasks. You can set up calls, tasks, appointments, opportunity, quotes, SMS, documents, and case templates.

Creating a call template

All can be configured with custom fields so they contain the correct information for your business and industry.

Adding a call from a pre-set template.

Templates will help you:

  • Create Cases, Emails, Calls, Tasks, Quotes, Documents, SMS, and Opportunities.
  • Save time by drafting often sent emails just once and saving as a template for future use.
  • Add your custom fields so you have the information specific to your business and industry.
  • Creating emails that your entire team can use and share with the correct tone for your business.
  • Speed up administrative tasks
  • Respond to leads faster ensuring opportunities aren’t lost
  • Stay on track with your data gathering so the required fields are filled in and information can be analysed
  • Compare response rates and find the best performing email templates for your team. Use best practice.

Got any questions?
Give us a call on 0121 288 0808