Breaking Free from a Productivity Slump: The Power of CRM

In the UK, business leaders are facing a productivity crisis that’s hampering their growth and competitiveness on the global stage. The problem is palpable, with the UK trailing behind other G7 nations in terms of output per worker.

The statistics from 2021 are not just mere numbers—they spell lost revenue, missed opportunities, and a surge in stress levels among the workforce. The latest figures show no respite, portraying a grim picture of productivity flatlining.

Output per hour in UK - productivity per worker in the UK

This looks disheartening, but there is a solution…

Embrace new technology and invest in your people.

In the sales, support and marketing world, teams can modernise and boost productivity by adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, from traditional engineering and manufacturing firms to new services, technology or software; adopting a CRM will provide an immediate boost to your success.

The UK’s Productivity Quagmire

The productivity gap in the UK is not a new revelation. The disparity in output, when compared to other G7 nations, is significant and detrimental. This gap isn’t just a dent in the national statistics; it trickles down to the revenue margins of individual companies, the morale of teams, and the potential for business expansion. The stagnancy in productivity levels reflects missed potential and the urgent need for a remedy.

CRM: The Unseen Engine of Productivity

CRM isn’t just another acronym from the consultancy world. It’s a powerful tool that’s been underutilised yet holds the key to surmounting the productivity hurdle. CRM is more than software—it’s a centralised hub consolidating customer and prospect data from various sources, including other software systems, into one accessible dashboard. By automating mundane tasks and rendering actionable insights, CRM is an indispensable asset for every organisation striving for heightened productivity.

Why and how does CRM make teams more productive?

Automate and Liberate

The automation features of CRM is a boon for teams entangled in repetitive tasks such as data entry and appointment scheduling. By delegating these routine chores to the CRM system, companies can liberate their workforce to channel their skills and energy into core operations. The payoff is twofold: a notable uptick in productivity and a decrease in the likelihood of human error.

BuddyCRM’s Workflow feature is an example of this in action. Any activity in your CRM can trigger additional automated actions to occur. For example, upon receiving a new lead from your website, a CRM workflow can automatically email back a response and schedule a call for your sales team.

Streamlined Administration

The days of toggling between spreadsheets, emails, and sticky notes are over. CRM offers a unified platform where all essential information is housed. This centralised approach not only simplifies administrative work but also fosters a culture of organisation and efficiency. When all members of your workforce become responsible and accountable for the information your organisation holds, they will see the benefits of their care in looking after the information.

Sharing between departments becomes automatic. For example, there are no more requests of your accounts department to find out if a customer is in line with payments. You can find that information instantly from the record card of the company in the CRM. Equally, a salesperson can see if a marketing email has been opened by a prospect or if the latest order was delivered on time and what it contained.

Insightful Reporting

Gone are the days of aggregating data from disparate sources for reporting. CRM systems collate relevant data automatically and can deliver insightful reports right to your inbox, enabling data-driven decision-making with ease. Anything that can be stored in your CRM database can be reported on, from customer interaction activity by sales teams (calls, emails, meetings) to sales figures, quotes, and inventory information. All of this data can be brought into customisable reports and scheduled for regular delivery, keeping management on top of figures at all times.

Transforming Saved Time into Earned Revenue

With the administrative load lightened, teams can pivot their focus towards revenue-generating activities. CRM facilitates efficient lead and opportunity tracking, empowering the sales team to ensure no lead falls through the cracks. Additionally, creating segments in your database enhances personalised marketing efforts, paving the way for better customer engagement and higher ROI.

Enhanced Customer Service

CRM is instrumental in fostering positive customer service. By providing a 360-degree view of customer interactions it enables quicker issue resolution and fosters long-term customer relationships. Both the salesperson and support team will be informed of any issues and be able to monitor and track progress towards their resolution.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits

The thought of implementing a new system might raise eyebrows concerning the costs involved. However, the return on investment (ROI) on a well-implemented CRM is compelling, with estimates showing a return of $8.71 for every dollar spent. Although these figures are based on US data, the message is clear—investing in a CRM system is a venture worth considering for UK businesses.

BuddyCRM’s plans are fully transparent and reveal that the cost of supporting your team with modern technology is minimal when compared to their overall compensation package! Plus, there are no ongoing support costs – everything is included in the monthly plan.

Real-world Transformations

Success stories from companies who have embraced CRM elucidate the transformative potential it holds. We invite you to explore our Case Studies and Testimonials, where businesses share their journey of overcoming the productivity impasse with the aid of BuddyCRM.

Knight Electronics

Buddy Finnie

We interviewed five different CRM companies – many of the biggest names in that industry – no option was cost-prohibitive… we were looking for the best option to help our team. We went with BuddyCRM simply because of the value that they would be bringing to our company, and because they made it clear they would be there at the beginning of the process, during the development process, AND once we started using the system. They’ve been there every step of the way.

 If you’re looking for an easy to use & intuitive CRM platform that is customisable; as well as great customer support BuddyCRM are the folks you need to do business with. The team at BuddyCRM have proven to us that they are invested in our company’s success.

Buddy Finnie, Vice President Sales
Knight Electronics


Louise Gulliver

Its simplicity is its greatest feature. It’s very sales focused. Plus we love the excellent and insightful service from the support team – you get selling and offer far more than a technical solution.

Louise Gulliver

MKG Foods

Our Sales Order Processing (ERP), Stock Control and Accounts packages are all automatically synchronised with BuddyCRM, so our sales team can view all customer information in one place. Knowledge is power, and we have seen our customer retention and performance levels increase significantly.

Gemma Todd
MKG Foods

Elevate Your Business

Are you ready to transcend the productivity slump and propel your business to new echelons of success? Seize the opportunity to explore the many benefits of a CRM with a free demo of BuddyCRM. The journey towards enhanced productivity and a robust bottom line begins with a single click.

Got any questions?
Give us a call on 0121 288 0808