CRM at a Glance: Main Types and Delivery Models

When navigating the dynamic world of customer relationship management (CRM), you might come across various terms and categorisations. After all, CRM isn’t just about managing customers; it’s about enhancing relationships, driving sales, and maximising efficiency.

But with so many types of CRM systems available, how do you pick the one that’s right for you? Let’s take a look at the primary types and delivery methods of CRM solutions available today, then conclude by helping you decide which one fits your business best.

What Are the Types of CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems primarily fall into five categories. These five types, each with its unique emphasis, form the backbone of most CRM strategies today. You can have one platform which covers multiple of these strategies but your implementation and management processes must consider each from their own perspective.

1. Operational CRM

Primary Focus: Automation and Streamlining of Daily Operations

Operational CRMs are all about streamlining the daily operations within an organisation. Whether you’re a sales professional logging contact details or a marketer trying to automate email campaigns, these systems are tailored for you.

Example: Think about how salespeople handle leads. With an operational CRM, a lead can automatically be categorised and assigned to the appropriate salesperson based on specific criteria. Over time, this speeds up the sales process and reduces manual workload.

2. Analytical CRM

Primary Focus: Data Analysis and Customer Insights

Imagine having a crystal ball that could offer insights into customer behaviours, buying patterns, and preferences. Analytical CRMs are the next best thing.

Example: A wholesaler might use an analytical CRM to determine which products customers are buying and identify gaps and potential upsell opportunities, increasing average delivery values and profit per customer

3. Collaborative CRM

Primary Focus: Improving Communication and Collaboration

Ever played the ‘telephone game’ where a message gets distorted as it’s passed along? In business, poor communication can lead to costly mistakes. Collaborative CRMs are the antidote.

Example: In IT industries, a support team might communicate a client’s technical issue to the development team. With a collaborative CRM, this communication is streamlined, ensuring faster resolution times and a more cohesive customer support experience.

4. Campaign Management CRM

Primary Focus: Marketing Campaigns

Marketing in today’s digital age is both an art and a science. Campaign management CRMs blend these two by offering tools for creative campaigns backed by robust analytics.

Example: A fashion brand launching a new line might use this CRM to track the effectiveness of their social media ads, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships, adjusting strategies in real time for optimal results.

5. Strategic CRM

Primary Focus: Building and Strengthening Customer Relationships

Long-term business success hinges on strong customer relationships. Strategic CRMs help businesses nurture these connections, turning one-time buyers into loyal advocates.

Example: A construction company might use a strategic CRM to keep track of a client’s past projects, preferences, and feedback. When the client returns for a new project, the company can offer tailored solutions, building trust and loyalty.

Beyond Functionality: CRM Delivery Models

While we’ve explored the various functionalities of CRM systems, it’s also essential to consider how these solutions are delivered and accessed. Different businesses have different needs, and the medium through which a CRM is available can often be as crucial as its primary function.

1. Cloud-Based CRM (or SaaS CRM)

Primary Focus: Access Anytime, Anywhere

Cloud-based CRMs are hosted on the provider’s servers and are accessible via the internet. This means you don’t need to worry about hardware, software installations, or maintenance because it’s all taken care of.

Example: A sales team spread across different regions can access their CRM data on the go, without needing any software installations on their devices.

Expert Insight: With cloud-based CRMs, updates and new features can be rolled out instantly, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest functionalities.

2. Mobile CRM

Primary Focus: On-the-Go Access for a Mobile Workforce

Mobile CRMs are designed specifically for handheld devices, ensuring that the UI and functionalities are optimised for smaller screens.

Example: A real estate agent can instantly update property details and client preferences or even schedule viewings directly from their smartphone without needing to return to the office.

Expert Insight: Integrating a mobile CRM with other mobile business apps can streamline operations further, enabling professionals to get more done even when they’re away from their desks.

3. On-Premise CRM

Primary Focus: Complete Control and Customisation

Unlike cloud-based CRMs, on-premise solutions are installed on the company’s servers. This means the business has complete control over the CRM, its data, and its security.

Example: Larger corporations, especially those in regulated sectors or with sensitive data, might prefer an on-premise solution to meet their stringent security and compliance requirements.

Expert Insight: On-premise CRMs can have higher initial costs due to hardware and installation needs, but they offer powerful customisation and integration capabilities.

In Conclusion

So, which CRM is the best fit for your business? That entirely depends on your organisation’s unique needs and priorities. However, one key factor you should always consider is customisability.

Enter BuddyCRM.

While there’s no shortage of CRM solutions out there, BuddyCRM’s edge lies in its flexibility. Recognising that every business is unique, BuddyCRM can be tailored endlessly depending on your specific needs. Whether you operate in construction, IT, hospitality, healthcare, or any other industry, BuddyCRM moulds itself to serve you best.

But our dedication doesn’t end with customisation. We’re here for the long haul. Our commitment to clients includes comprehensive long-term support, ensuring that you’re never left in the dark. From training to troubleshooting and even further development, we’re your CRM buddy every step of the way. And guess what? All these additional perks come free with your subscription.

Choosing the right CRM is pivotal for your business’s growth and success. And while understanding the types of CRM is essential, finding a partner that supports and grows with you is invaluable. BuddyCRM is more than just a platform; it’s a commitment to your success.

Book a demo today to learn more.

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