CRM Reporting

Gain insight into your sales with graphical reports, metrics and tables.

Delve deeper into the reasons behind your sales success or failure. Check the results of the entire company or specific teams. Compare results between individuals or teams with your favourite key performance indicators (KPIs), from activity, sales data, opportunities, and more.

Schedule reports to be sent to your inbox daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly to keep you fully informed.

Selecting a module to add information to a report in BuddyCRM
Adding columns to a report in BuddyCRM
Selecting filters to create a report in BuddyCRM
An example report in BuddyCRM
Create a chart in a a report in BuddyCRM
Example report with pie graph in BuddyCRM
Adding an element to the dashboard of a report in BuddyCRM
Scheduling a report in BuddyCRM

All the stats that matter

Monitor results regularly and have reports emailed to you automatically.

  • Sales reports
  • Contact reports
  • Lead reports
  • Sales and activity KPIs
  • Export easily to Excel in one click to analyse further