CRM Support

Our passionate Customer Success Team are here to make sure you get the best possible support and use out of BuddyCRM.

We don’t leave you to try and figure out what to do. We also don’t rely on onboarding bots to fudge their way around tasks in a random tour. You get a dedicated, named human to talk to, as often as you want, no matter how small the ask.

The CRM support team is based in the UK with English-speaking team members. We’re available throughout the week to help your business implement CRM within your company.

We understand that change is hard and the culture changes necessary can be difficult to go through, but our record of success with businesses in the UK means we’re confident that we can assist you too.

Our CRM plan approach is to appoint and train a CRM ambassador or champion within your company and then work with that person to ensure that all the team are on board. Our rigorous scoping process will ensure that your CRM exactly fits your requirements and provides the information you need to make better decisions, lighten the administration load, and create more selling opportunities.

So, if you’re looking for a CRM, choose one with superb support. Choose a UK CRM company that cares about your success and wants you to do well. Choose BuddyCRM.

Check out the Help Centre for general assistance with features in BuddyCRM.

Contact the support team on 0121 288 0808