Milestone Release 83

New Features

Upload Documents to an Opportunity

We have introduced the ability to upload documents from directly within an Opportunity. This is useful for uploading design briefs, RFI documents, proposals or other opportunity-specific documents and creates a relationship between the document and the opportunity.

URL Custom Fields

A hotly requested feature for BuddyCRM was the ability to create a text-based custom field that allows a link to be clicked by the user. We have introduced this within milestone 83 as a new custom field type. You can configure a ‘friendly’ display text so that the screen is not cluttered, and when the user clicks on this element a hyperlink is opened in a new tab. This could be utilised to store social media links, SharePoint or Google Drive links and more.

View in Browser

From time to time, an email sent from any provider’s marketing suite can display differently to the end user, due to differences in how different devices and email clients interpret email content. To help solve this issue, we have introduced a ‘view in browser’ link to the top of marketing emails sent from the BuddyCRM marketing suite. This opens the email directly in the browser, where it will display as the author intended.


Report formats

We have implemented the export of reports and sending of scheduled reports in Excel .XLSX format (previously .XLS was the only Excel option). XLSX is a more up-to-date and secure file format supported by the vast majority of smart devices, making scheduled reports more accessible to a greater number of users in a secure way.

Reports logo

We have fixed an issue whereby the business logo could become squashed or distorted when exporting a report from BuddyCRM. This will no longer happen.

Bug Fixes

Deleted Records in PAL Search

We have fixed an issue that could occur from time to time whereby an account or lead that had already been deleted could be returned in a PAL search. This will now correctly only show active records.

Lazy load issue

We have fixed an occasional issue with the lazy loading on PAL search results, so that this correctly loads in all contexts as the user scrolls down the screen.