The top 5 crm features our users love the most

Recently, we asked our users what their favourite features of BuddyCRM were and they came back with a huge list! We’ve collated their answers and put together the following.

No.5 Create and store quotations within Buddy

So many businesses we work with use the BuddyCRM quotation module to replace a myriad of excel spreadsheets. Our centralised system means sales teams now have consistency of presentation and can all work off the latest product and price information. Plus, if a member of the sales team is on holiday or leaves, all the information is retained in your CRM to help maintain the customer relationship.

Easy Quotes from BuddyCRM

No.4 Keeping a product database

Keeping this active with images and product specifications means you don’t have to bug marketing with requests for product support. Build presentations for customers and even show images and call up information whilst on the road through your smartphone or iPad.

No.3 Displaying latest accounting data next to customer

With BuddyCRM’s API connection facility, you can display data from other applications within BuddyCRM. Actually it wasn’t just accounting data but that had the largest amount of responses. With BuddyCRM’s unique “autofeeds” section, you can display any data from other systems right in the customer record card – giving a single customer view in one place rather than having to hunt around multiple applications.


No.2 KPIs

Everyone had their own favourite Key Performance Indicator so we had to lump them in together. Who is making the most calls? What type of calls? Who had the most meetings? Who has the best conversion rate? All in an easy to navigate table that highlights best practice.

BuddyCRM key performance indicators (KPIs)

No.1 Email Attachments

Now this is a surprise, but by far the most popular feature of BuddyCRM is the ability to see emails with their attachments within the customer record itself. No popping in and out to other email software to download a quote or image, it’s all there in Buddy.

Email…we love it!
