Milestone Release 42

July 10, 2019

We’re pleased to announce that the latest milestone release of BuddyCRM has gone live today. The following items were fixed, improved, or added:

1. Updates to the Opportunities module

We have made some fantastic updates that will assist your sales team to see their sales pipeline:

  • Pipeline View Tab – This new tab shows you a list of your Sales Pipeline. You’ll be able to view your Opportunities by probability, Quick Edit the Opportunity if anything has changed and sort by Value or Closing Date to enhance your sales target.
  • Mass Action – Select multiple records from your Opportunities List and set one of the selected activities for all the records.
  • Pick Columns- each individual sales member can choose what record card information they would like to view.

opportunities pipeline view in BuddyCRM

quick edit an opportunity in BuddyCRM

2. Information tags

You can now add information tags to your fields. This will help new and existing members of staff to understand the information which is gathered from the client for the most accurate sales data.

information tags on custom fields in BuddyCRM

3. CSV Upload Log

When uploading a CSV Import to the system, you now have a CSV file for the records that have not been imported to BuddyCRM. We have now added a detailed report which will give you an explanation on why it has not been amended in the system.

4. Bug Fixes

We have also fixed various bugs within the release which will enhance the system further.