October 24, 2019
We’re pleased to announce that the latest milestone release of BuddyCRM has gone live today. The following items were fixed, improved, or added:
1. Optimised Opportunities
BuddyCRM has improved the Opportunities Area within the Record card to enable a more streamlined sales process for your business:
- Sort by Name, Owner, Value and Close date as well as search for a specific opportunity.
- NEW! Opportunity Templates with custom probability questions. Set custom templates for different sales processes within the Admin area of BuddyCRM. Select from a dropdown list and the template will auto-populate the Opportunity.
2. Audit Log is live
Admin Users will now be able to see a log of amendments that have been made within BuddyCRM by your teams.
- View added, updated and deleted actions within Record Cards.
- Select specific users and date ranges for a more advanced search.
3. SMS to clients now available
BuddyCRM now has a plug-in which will remind your client by SMS of an all-important meeting or call you have arranged. For more information call 0121 2880808 and speak to your Account Manager.
- An automated SMS can be sent to your clients from a workflow set in BuddyCRM. Remind your client of an all-important meeting or call by SMS. You can even choose when you want it to be sent.
4. Multiple Account Codes
Add multiple Account Codes to one record card.
- Add multiple Account Codes to one record card. Simply add a comma in between each Account Code.
- See your clients sales data in one place under each Account Code.