Milestone Release 45

October 24, 2019

We’re pleased to announce that the latest milestone release of BuddyCRM has gone live today. The following items were fixed, improved, or added:

1. Optimised Opportunities

BuddyCRM has improved the Opportunities Area within the Record card to enable a more streamlined sales process for your business:

  • Sort by Name, Owner, Value and Close date as well as search for a specific opportunity.
  • NEW! Opportunity Templates with custom probability questions. Set custom templates for different sales processes within the Admin area of BuddyCRM. Select from a dropdown list and the template will auto-populate the Opportunity.

formulas in reports inside BuddyCRM

formulas in reports inside BuddyCRM

2. Audit Log is live

Admin Users will now be able to see a log of amendments that have been made within BuddyCRM by your teams.

  • View added, updated and deleted actions within Record Cards.
  • Select specific users and date ranges for a more advanced search.


3. SMS to clients now available

BuddyCRM now has a plug-in which will remind your client by SMS of an all-important meeting or call you have arranged. For more information call 0121 2880808 and speak to your Account Manager.

  • An automated SMS can be sent to your clients from a workflow set in BuddyCRM. Remind your client of an all-important meeting or call by SMS. You can even choose when you want it to be sent.

4. Multiple Account Codes

Add multiple Account Codes to one record card.

  • Add multiple Account Codes to one record card. Simply add a comma in between each Account Code.
  • See your clients sales data in one place under each Account Code.

multiple account codes in BuddyCRM

multiple account codes visible in the front end of BuddyCRM5. We have also completed various bug fixes and speed optimisations in this latest release.