It’s Friday and traditionally in sales departments around the world that means somebody in the team will ring every sales member to get an update on their accounts. This is called the ring round. It can be a long manual process. Firstly, chasing down each account handler and then going through the list of ‘hot’ leads to get the latest information before updating a spreadsheet and sending it on to the sales director. Sales departments dread these days and sales managers
With BuddyCRM, the ring round is a thing of the past. As information is updated live into the cloud immediately after every point of contact with clients (ie. phone call, meeting, appointment, etc. ) the information is collated and used to produce the sales manager’s dashboard. In Buddy, this dashboard provides the manager with a complete overview of all activity, so at a glance it can be seen whether the team have able to make appointments and complete calls.

On the main home screen, the sales manager can also see all the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the team at a glance:

Instantly the manager can also access the team’s pipeline and track prospective close dates and probabilities with greater consistency.

All of this is possible because the sales team enter and update customer records immediately following their point of contact, whether they’re on the road, at home or in the office via Buddy’s browser based client or iOS app. Information is then fresh and available at any time to the sales team manager and always current.
The ‘ring round’ is dead. Let’s celebrate!