you've got mail - new marketing module graphic for BuddyCRM

New Email Marketing Module

Our new email marketing module is now live in BuddyCRM! This brand new feature enables you to create and send emails natively from within BuddyCRM.

BuddyCRM working with 59club graphic


How BuddyCRM helped bring sales quoting cohesion and uniformity across the globe to 59club.

Sales Masterclass Series - Conquering Covid image

Join in our virtual event sales masterclass

Join in our new virtual event series, designed to help UK businesses conquer COVID and rebuild revenue for 2021.

BuddyCRM’s Conquering COVID – the sales bounce back series will commence on 3rd December 2020 and is free for delegates to attend.

JSR and BuddyCRM case study graphic

JSR Genetics

Read how BuddyCRM helped JSR regain control of their stock availability from their previous pig of a system.