find new markets and channels with BuddyCRM

Finding new markets and channels

In this post, we look at the story of West Midlands foodservice company MKG, a BuddyCRM customer, and how they were able to find additional sources of revenue to keep the company operating during lockdown.

Crisis - what crisis image

Never let a good crisis go to waste

A crisis provides opportunities for your sales team and company to address issues with the sales process, failing products, markets and more. Ensuring best practice is followed by the team and investigating untouched markets or selling new products or services may mean finding additional sources of revenue for your company.

Milestone Release 49.5

We’re pleased to announce that the latest milestone release of BuddyCRM has gone live today. The following items were fixed, improved, or added: 1. Manager Module Revamp We have now revamped the Manager module with some new exciting features: 2. Appointment Reminder Emails When setting your next Activity with your client, you can set your … Read more

Milestone Release 47

BuddyCRM milestone release 47 includes activity search, comments on opportunity won / lost, sibling accounts, country dialling codes, and xero accounting support.